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Uptown Boys: The Beginning Of A Dream Book 1 Page 3

There is a male PATRON, decked in a maroon uniform with a small cap on his head and a female PATRONESS dressed in an orange uniform dress with an apron over her head like that of a nurse on duty to welcome the new students, both boys and girls, at a nearby entrance, and once this is done, as well as exchanging a few greetings amongst plus thanking the matatu driver for doing such a wonderful task thereby bidding him farewell, the male PATRON turns to the students and signals them to his attention immediately upon the sound of the roaring mini-matatu ceasing and never to be heard of again and


  I once again congratulate you upon that long and tedious journey to here from wherever you’ve come from!

  [The strange students clap as well as appreciate]


  And I do hereby welcome you to the chair of wisdom and talents in the town of Lantana!

  [Another round of clapping from the students and appreciation too]


  I can only promise you a bigger welcome together with the rest of your fellow freshmen who arrived earlier than you for this academic year, and that will be done soon enough before serious business. But for now, I and my counterpart will guide you to your respective halls of residence, and you get to sleep. Any concerns from anyone?

  [There seems to be none as the students attempt no retort]


  PATRON [peering]

  I guess you’re only tired and afraid to ask. Follow me, please.

  [The cohort agrees and walks inside the building]



  As the cohort follows the PATRON and his assistant through the corridors, which are full of decorations of different color houses and clubs of the school as well as posters of students who are aspiring for positions on the various college bodies to represent their fellow students, we can hear voices of students going about their night tasks while making noise about welcoming one another back from the long holiday which forces the PATRON to speak out louder in a commanding tone like that of an army cadet in the field.


  Whoever is shouting when I’m passing by will be punished on the morrow, and you’ll do a harsh punishment as an example to the rest!

  The silence suddenly grips the entire surrounding until the motion of the entire group of new students comes to a halt at a junction of corridors extending out to other parts of the school premises both inside and outside. There are two signposts giving out directions to the left and right over the top of this juncture-like corridor reading, ‘MALES ALONE’ and ‘FEMALES ALONE.’ The two pointers are opposite each other, a sign that there is no room for mixing up sexes whatsoever in this school.

  [And once the attention required is achieved in a jiffy]

  PATRON [to his assistant]

  You may relieve the girls from me, ma!


  Alright, pa!

  [The new female students follow the PATRONESS with their luggage after exchanging ‘goodnight’ wishes to their journey-fellows and now school mates over to the side of the “FEMALES ALONE” pointer direction and once they are out of sight]

  PATRON [to the male students now]

  This being your first time beyond here, remember always to follow the rules and regulations. That way, you’ll not have any trouble with me for as long as you may be with us here. Heard?

  STUDENTS [attentive]

  Yes, pa!


  I must warn you of the funny groups here. Most of them are made up of stubborn and uncivilized students from unstable families. They fill up the groups with weird ideas and end up taking part in school demonstrations simply because we believe in exercising your rights and grievances. But I, myself, I’m a radical leader here, and I represent all radical elements in this school! So, you make a mistake and take part in those ill-groups, just get ready to face my wrath! Heard?


  Yes, pa!


  And remember to follow the rules and regulations, please. It would be my failure to see you facing the DC out of your non-compliance with the rules. Yet I am here warning you not to breach any and misbehave.

  [At this point, he reaches out for a few booklets that are small in size and decorated in nice yellow envelopes from his uniform pockets. As he hands each student a copy]

  PATRON [serious]

  Don’t sleep on those booklets, for they will haunt you when you do so. They are the rules and regulations for beginners at this school. And you’ll have to present them always at the weekly parades before the main auditory! You fail to present it, or you dare bring it to the parade when it is tidy, a big reward awaits you. And can I receive an appreciation from you all?


  Thanks, pa!

  PATRON [cautious]

  The senior students, both boys, and girls, sometimes tend to be rough, especially to all freshmen. But just report anyone to me who attempts to act rough on you, and I’ll show him or her that I’m the roughest person to ever live on this school.

  [Some students appreciate the offer]


  I can only say firmly to you as a command. Don’t allow to be bullied by any senior student, whether in and out of class or anywhere on the school compound, be it during any co-curricular activity carried out within the school. Heard?

  STUDENTS [unison]

  Yes, pa!


  And don’t pay any heed to them neither there calls which might be luring because they’ll corn you of your staff, heard?

  [The students adhere]


  Now let us go to the dorms!


  Thanks, pa!

  [And they are out of sight too]



  Hardly any silence at the opposite building facing the corridor, where our acts are standing on a halt known as the ‘River Nile Hall.’

  The PATRON first observes the on-going commotion inside the hall of residence and outside as well before turning towards the-some-what-afraid students which he notices and then…

  PATRON [unraveled]

  I know you’re a bit worried, but they’re only a bunch of boys who are just good at making a noise like empty vessels.

  [He turns and looks at the noisy-like-arena]

  PATRON [looking back to the freshmen]

  Make sure you keep your luggage safe from pick-picketers inside that hall. They are ready to welcome you, too, just like they’ve done to those who arrived before you. But don’t be fooled. Just ignore them! Heard?


  Yes, pa!


  So, I let you go and join the River Nile Hall of residence!


  Thanks, pa!

  [And before any other interaction, OSHA leads the way with his luggage out of the PATRON’s sight and feeling astonished]

  PATRON [unto him]

  Would you mind ushering in your colleagues too?

  OSHA [facing back]

  No, pa!

  [BOYO and LIHANDA follow suit hurriedly as the rest of the freshmen also join in, and the cohort is out of the PATRON’s sight as he decides to retreat into the opposite direction]

  [OSHA has led the new students inside the noisy hall of residence]

  It is like a serenade of funk and pop lifestyle!

  OSHA is not easily swayed by the ongoing slandering and libeling from the senior students since they have to pass through their sleeping area to make it to their space. “Clear the way for the cleaners!” “Clear the way for the burners!” “Clear the way for the garbage collectors!” and on the defamation, slangs project through as the senior students shout out as well as singing ‘welcome-like-songs’ in horrible tones. “Don’t mind about them!”


  I got this, so just relax and keep up with me at my back!”

  [And they keep on the go until they are through the bully-apartment
of their new hall of residence by using a small door for exiting]

  The-already-bullied-cohort has arrived at its sleeping area, and we see the CART-BOY, fully decked in his new pair of school uniform, ready to welcome his colleagues, and he does it so perfectly.


  Why are you wearing the school uniform?


  Because I have a phobia for new things, nwa!


  He directs the group to the beds he had booked for them in a jubilant manner and returns and does the same for OSHA. BOYO and LIHANDA, fully excited though tired, are also shown their beds too by the CART-BOY, and once he is ready to talk


  I think you still remember me. Isn’t it?


  Not really. Who are you?

  BOYO [as OSHA and LIHANDA laugh]

  You don’t wish to bet with success by asking who I am, nwa!

  [And the quadruple laughs over again]

  CART-BOY [pleased]

  Surely, now I do know you. And I’m KOLA, how about you?


  Call me, BOYO, and this is my friend LIHANDA.

  LIHANDA [shaking hands with KOLA]

  Nice to meet you again as well as getting to know your name, nwa.

  KOLA [smiling]

  I have a feeling both of you and my friend are going to get along already.


  As long as we’re willing to bet with success, nwa!

  [A deep laughter ensues once again]


  Can I say something to you, nwa?




  But it concerns the rest of us too.


  Yes, say it.


  Lin, no matter what happens with regard to your skin color, we’re right behind you, nwa! I saw one girl getting messed up today in the DH by some racist-like fellow girls, and because she had no one to lean on, she left the room depressed and crying, which forced me to run to her rescue because I knew you were just like her and needed someone to lean on, nwa!

  And I speak this unto you for it might hit you and the lonely girl as being the only ones with a different skin color in this school or even the town outside the walls of this great school. So, you are not alone about this, Lin. You got my back a hundred percent, nwa!


  You’re already not only my friend but a brother as well already, KOLA!


  Forever and always from today, we’ll be, nwa!


  The moment shouldn’t just go like that, nwa!




  We need to toast with a hug, friends!

  [A little laughter as the four boys embrace each other]

  [The large sleeping area is now immersed in complete silence]

  [However, there a few murmurs from content corners of the room]

  BOYO and OSHA are already asleep in their beds, which are below those of LIHANDA and KOLA on a double wooden decker who are not yet asleep, though wearing their night apparels, which are made of nylon material and brightly colorful. KOLA is trying to arrange his school bag and suitcase which is quite classy and foreign as LIHANDA is busy running his eyesight shielded in large light eye-glasses through a local tabloid entitled as the ‘Lantana Express’ that must have been handed to him by LIHANDA and then


  Are your expectations as high as mine, Lin?


  I cannot really tell right now. But I’m hoping for the best.


  What would be your first college club to join then?


  Any club that has music and singing, I am in, nwa. And you?


  Anything to do with debating, I’m in.


  You seem to be ready to join the Patriots then!




  You just look to be a great person when it comes to that aspect, nwa!

  KOLA [amused]



  Yes, nwa.

  KOLA [hanging up his school uniform]

  So, you see me in a Martin Luther figure?

  LIHANDA [smiling]

  Not really, but almost like him, nwa.


  I would really take that as something genuine from you, Lin.


  My other name is Genuine, by the way!

  KOLA [amused]

  LIHANDA Genuine?

  [LIHANDA nods]


  Oh, it’s such a nice name! And I’m KOLA Abram.


  I have a friend known as Abram. He wanted to be part of us, but his guardians couldn’t let him come along with us.


  So, mine is a common name, which doesn’t make it nice like yours, Genuine.

  LIHANDA [laughing]

  Not really, nwa. Abram is also a nice name. It must be a biblical name, right?


  I guess.

  [He slips under his woolen blanket and]


  I am going to style up a nickname. I was told its one way of standing out in this school.

  LIHANDA [amused]


  KOLA [looking up at the ceiling]

  Because I want to be known in this school, I want to live life in the first lane, nwa!

  LIHANDA [sliding under his blanket]

  I cannot wait to see that happening!

  KOLA [switching off the light]

  I had to book us near the switch, nwa.

  LIHANDA [pensive]

  So that you control the lights in this corner?


  Perhaps. But especially to deal with these residence ministers who like bragging off. They think leadership is a cornerstone for excellencies.

  LIHANDA [thoughtful]

  Since you seem to be a great debater, I’m sure you can teach them more about that, nwa!

  KOLA [tossing in bed]

  We’ll see about that, nwa. Good night, Lin.


  Good night, debater!

  [And the silence fills the darkness in the room]





  [It is a broad day-light, in the afternoon at Johnson’s People College]

  [We are in the large auditorium of the College, and it is quite a room of co-curricular. It is almost a ground for battle but of only intellectuals]

  There is a huge commotion of all different voices and laughter among the students who have gathered inside the brick-wall rectangular-shaped building, and the atmosphere is quite august. At the front yard of this building is an arrangement of three wooden desks, two facing each other, and one desk in the middle of the two desks. The middle desk is well decorated, and it has a few bottles of water. At the back of these desks that are glowing with intellectual space, is a blackboard that is well fixed within the walls, and it is as clean as a white cloth that one can hardly notice any impact of chalk signs on it though it is not a new fitting.

  As some students walk in and out of the room, a certain female student walks in, holding a box of white chalk and places it at one of the desks. She then cleans the desk, which forces some students to murmur at her, but she doesn’t mind the unwanted attention sought by the students until she is done with her task and walks out of the room.


  Hardly does the appearance of two senior male students at the entrance become visible when silence grips the whole room suddenly, and the atmosphere becomes friendly. They get accompanied by the female student who had earlier on cleaned the desks, and the trio occupies the main desk adjacent to the two opposite desks, thereby rendering the students’ fraternity into clapping as a sign of welcoming the band sitting in
front of their eyesight. As the clapping endorsed ceases whilst the three senior students share a talk amongst themselves, their female counterpart stands up. There is no way she can be bullied now since she has the audience at her feet owing to the presence of the two senior male students, and she enjoys the unlimited spectacle.


  The people of our republic once said, during an unknown rally at a village, which I have forgotten as I entered here...

  [few laugh]


  That only the blind will laugh at a man that wears another pair of eyes but decides to put them off and becomes like the blind!

  [Heavy laughter ensues from the audience]


  Perhaps those who laughed at his sight were more blind than the bats that fly out on the archipelago in Zanzibar!

  [A great laughter erupts as the joking student consults with her companions before reconciling the audience immersed in laughter to her own subject and attention]


  To date, I haven’t still discovered why bats would wish not to fly during the day so that those who can see them at night will not have to laugh, simply because they are blind!

  [A mild but enriching clapping comes from the auditorium]


  Ignorance is the point!

  She bows low and receives a standing ovation from her classmates and those who had understood her lines as she resumes her position with the other two senior male students. And as the moment of appreciation becomes obsolete in a jiffy, one of the senior male students takes the introductory wave spearheaded by his counterpart and stands right in front of the entire room, and the eyes that greet him are now jolly and excited to hear what comes out of his mouth. He is inviting and very calm in demeanor. His presence is further orchestrated with a moment of being regarded as one of high society.

  [The students regard him with a lot of inclination as he speaks]


  Let’s give one great rounder of applause to the school poet, Kylie!

  [The students adhere with a lot of attachment]


  And for those who are new in this school, she’s good at being a freshmen-guide!

  [A little handclap].


  As well as I myself, I can help you in getting along with life here, only if you call me as CHANGE!