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  • Uptown Boys: The Beginning Of A Dream Book 1

Uptown Boys: The Beginning Of A Dream Book 1 Read online

  The Beginning of a Dream

  Uptown Boys – Book 1

  By KM Cory

  Copyright © 2020 KM Cory

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author.


  For my Mum, Mrs. Rose Sempa—

  I love you, and thanks for everything.

  For Bens –

  Far from the maddening crowd.

  The Setting for Various Scenes

  Auditorium (theater hall)

  Business-like street (trade fair)

  Bus & Taxi Park Avenue (Soraya town)

  Inside the motioning rectangular box (bus)

  Lantana town bus stop

  Inside a mini ‘matatu’ on the road (small bus)

  Johnson People’s College (not in order but various to include – River Nile Hall of residence, Library Section, Office of the DH, Practice Room, Senior students’ classroom, Dining Hall, Outside the classroom blocks, Science laboratory room, Basketball court)

  Downtown Lantana area (ring-fenced entertainment arena)

  Below an underground passage in Lantana town

  At the ‘heart’ of Lantana town area location

  Vespar Night Club (in & outside various)

  Yarona Bar (in & outside various)

  Through a noiseless street across the downtown area

  Avon Night Club (in & outside various)

  At a ‘certain’ bus station

  At a ‘waiting’ point known as Town Zero

  At Club Seventy

  At the streets of Lantana – nighttime (roadside food point)

  On the road to Las Town

  List of Main Characters

  Seemingly grown-up man & a teenager

  CART-BOY (KOLA Abram turned into CASANOVA)


  LIHANDA (an albino)

  BOYO (close friend with LIHANDA)


  Mini ‘matatu’ driver

  PATRON of (Johnson People’s College) - (JPC)

  Student ‘rhymer’– Kylie

  CHANGE (in-charge of the Debate Club at JPC)

  CLARENCE (asst.in-charge of the Debate Club at JPC)

  MODERN (a pretty-slender female student at JPC)

  LAURENCE&JASPER (debaters at JPC)

  Mr. BONOLO (head of disciplinary members at JPC)

  SOPRANO (formidable school choir member & vocalist at JPC)


  Teacher BILES (INSTRUCTOR of Fine Art at JPC)

  BENJIE&SMARTER (students and ‘partners-in-crime’ at JPC)

  Mc DADDY FLASH (favorite ‘DJ’ at Vespar Night Club)

  Karaoke Girls (CHRISTIE, GIA&KELLY)

  Gentleman ‘MC’ at Yarona Club & at Avon Night Club

  The FOUR BROTHERS (performing band)

  RASTAFARIAN (solo performer at Avon Night Club)

  MASTERPATEL (an Indian and ‘manager’ of the Karaoke Girls)

  RETTY (a gorgeous-looking female student at JPC)

  Voice character (turned into ‘AFANDE’ / night watchman at JPC)

  Voice characters (A & B, both ‘imagined’ male, and female respectively)

  Watoto (an elderly man found at Town Zero’s local ‘matatu’ waiting point)

  PRACTICE COACH (dance maestro at JPC)

  Male INSTRUCTOR (of Prose & Poetry at JPC)

  Music Used in the Play

  Shambala – Dr. Victor

  Nomakanjani – Brenda FASSIE

  Hard Work – Splash

  I Cry For Freedom – Yvonne Chaka Chaka

  Everybody Sing Along – Letta Mbulu

  I Don’t Wanna Dance – Eddy Grant

  My Angel – Cheek to Cheek

  Summer Holiday – Ricardo & Friends

  These Dreams – Heart

  Papa Don’t Preach – Madonna

  Are You Ready For Love – TZ Junior

  African Dance – Richard Siluma

  Have You Seen Her – Chi-Lites

  Jimmy – Boney M

  Do Me Boy – Sweet Desire

  Voices That Care – Various Artists

  Say You Love Me – Alec ‘OM’ Khaoli

  My Angel – Cheek to Cheek

  CASANOVA– Gerald Levert

  Weakness For Sweetness – Lestor Paul

  Saturday Night – Whigfield

  It’s Your Night – James Ingram

  Mahala Jive – Ricardo & Friends





  The timeline is the early millennial period.

  And a disco song by Dr. Victor known as ‘Shambala’is turned on but then turned down after a few seconds and then

  The sound of ‘Nomakanjani’ by Brenda FASSIE is playing on a recorder, but it is not so loud rather being mild in the background.

  [There seems to be an activity in progress off-stage by now in a duologue as well between a seemingly grown-up man and a teenager by virtue of the voices]


  Didn’t you know that you’d to perform tonight?


  I was not informed at all. I thought it would be one of the senior members of the choir to do so!


  It’s a pity! Not even your guardian told you about this, son?


  Yes, Sir!


  Looks like no one wished you for this at all, son!


  I cannot really tell, and I wouldn’t want to blame anyone.


  Well, as long as I am still here, nobody is to blame.


  Thank you, Sir.


  Alright, let’s get you to the fore, son!

  [And then we hear footsteps rocking the wooden floor into deep and not heard of again].

  We are left in unknown suspense mixed with little silence save for the song in the background, which keeps entertaining the ears without the eyes.


  We feel the sound of a microphone being put on set and trying to ensure that it is well prepared as its echoes project through to the audience. It is all darkness over the stage, so we cannot envision what is going on within it. But the atmosphere only lasts for a few minutes, and a small light is switched on, thereby revealing to us a handsome young TEEN of about fifteen, wearing a purple suit and looking confident about everything befalling his eyes as he receives a welcome-handclap from the auditory of a certain theater who must be star-struck by the ambivalent stature of a TEEN in front of them and is looking sensitive and intuitive.

  In appearance, he is a black African by decency, appearing to be still growing tall, with whiteness surrounding his dark pupil in both eyes that are quite a marvel. His hair is totally dark as darkness, and as he waits for instructions from whoever is meant to do so, he is soon accompanied by a gentleman who speaks a few words to the elegant-looking teenager and heads back to the audience.

  And then with a soft start, the TEEN ushers us into the pop song that was playing in the background by Brenda FASSIE known as “Nomakanjani” thereby attracting more attention than at first appearance due to his strong vocal projecting through the ‘Elvis-microphone’ and we are all star-studded with the voice without any instrument accompanying it. The moment is one of prolific and teeming to the ears and eyes of the audience. But the maestro does not hold us for long before he decides to pick up the microphone on its stand and edges o
ut of sight together with the small light as the gentleman who ushered in the teenager decides to go after him while grunting over such an inexcusable act performed on stage and the scene is closed off with another large tone of darkness!

  However, we are not bereft for so long before the beautiful lights fall onto the stage, thereby chasing away the darkness simultaneously, and a new scene is captured as a busy trade fair taking place at this very moment. It is immersed in heavy activity! Traders and customers are all on the go and looking at both sides of the street, which is the main center of attraction; one can hardly notice a busy body.

  Over and unto the right side of the business-like street is a small lottery game that has captured the attention of a few people. It could be due to the person in charge, being a male youth of now about one and seven years of teenage life and exactly the one we saw in the earlier scene exiting the stage unknowingly. By the look on his face, it is an indication that a great couple of days and nights have since gone by after the ordeal at the vocal expression in the old music theater. He is a bit brown-skinned now and has a few ounces of muscle built over his whole body. He goes about the day’s activity and telling people that are truly interested in the lottery game.


  You only choose the wooden ball if you feel it is hiding the coin I want you to find and after placing your bet money, and if you choose wrongly, you lose the bet with the money to me.

  He is faced with a question from one of the people watching him betwixt the balls with a lot of determination in his voice.

  A voice from the crowd

  How do we know about the coin?

  TEEN [looking up]

  It’s hiding within the wooden balls!

  [As a matchmaker, the TEEN places the wooden balls onto the small mat in a rectangular form, one opposite the other and]

  TEEN [to the revelers]

  Are you willing to bet with success?

  [And an individual who has just arrived at the scene jumps in instantly to show off that he is interested in the mind-game going on]

  REVELER [perturbed]

  Only if you tell us how, kid!


  I have been repeating the process as I –

  REVELER [interrupting]

  It is a business, so you have to keep repeating all that you’ve said no matter when!

  TEEN [irritated]

  It seems I have to do this again.



  TEEN [Panting]

  There is a coin hiding in one of the wooden balls you see on the floor. For one to be able to find the coin, he has to first stake an amount of money so that he can bet.


  And what’s the amount of money to be staked?

  TEEN [hesitant]

  One hundred shillings!

  REVELER [intrigued]

  So, what’s the outcome of that money and the value of the coin?


  The coin is valued at five hundred shillings. If you find it in any of the wooden balls, not only will you win it but also receive your stake back! And if you choose wrongly, I take not only your stake but, as well as the coin!

  [The gathering laughs off a little and]

  TEEN [gazing]

  Anyone willing to bet with success?

  [The gathering has already picked interest and ready to stake as]

  TEEN [excited]

  You’ll walk out of this place richer than you came in!

  Just then, over and unto the left side of the street, we see another boy, much similar to the TEEN holding the bet in character and appearance, who arrives at a space opposite the ongoing lottery. The new TEEN on the block is mongering some dry fish in a cart made of wood, and he is not afraid of the task as well as those who are not minding about him lest be willing to buy some fish from him in his clean jacket and small pair of trousers accompanied with a jersey shirt and a pair of sandals. He looks handsome and healthy. He too seems to be a jack of mongering fish species, looking determined to conquer the business and mind of the customers who are walking from one end to another at such a young age, and once he is in sight.


  Fish is here! Fish is here and ready!

  Fish to boost your brain functions!

  Fish to enrich you with proteins!

  Fish to give you strength and energy!

  Fish to make you a Viking!

  That type of fish is right here with me!

  Please come and buy for everyone at home or work!

  It’s cheap!

  The repetitive sequence of the words is now abstracted when another TEEN boy who is much younger than the CART-BOY also assembles in a space right next to the fish being mongered in the growing sunny day. He is not dressed decently as he appears to be a very typical street hawker and has moved miles away to get to this market area, possibly with the help of those who knew the exact location so that a few pennies could be earned before the break of the day. As soon as he assembles down his pile of merchandise comprising of soft edibles that can be easily chewed without being cooked but mostly eggs and spaghetti, he begins to call upon customers as well to fit in the atmosphere of the moment, which is now hustle-hard


  Eggs and spaghetti for sale!

  Eggs and spaghetti right here for sale!

  Tasty and delicious things right here!

  Come buy something for kids like me!

  As the STREET HAWKER and the CART-BOY exchange and give out verbal trade synthesizers to attract customers who seem not yet interested in their merchandise, across the street on the left-hand side, we see another TEEN again, and this time a different one due to being an albino in complexion, approaching us while showing off his dribbling skills of jiving tennis balls up and down in the air with the help of his hands covered with yellowish gloves and in a pair of maroon oval wear and a metallic cape like that of construction workers!

  He is such an exquisite that he grabs the attention of those near him and passing by as they choose to give him way for his conjuring tricks that seem to be learnt well. He is soon joined by another teen once more who is holding and juggling devil sticks in his female attire made of a pair of leggings and tight blouse with a neck bracelet, that makes him look like a bird of prey, yet he is not but because it is market day, he is doing this to attract as many as eyes as possible onto him than his fellow counterpart who is leading the way in front of him. The street-juggler and his albino conjurer upon capsizing the little moment of admiration into their own affliction, decide to stand beside the STREET HAWKER and the CART-BOY who have got the attention of some customers so as to support them and this is because they feel they are of the same age and likeness other than the other people who are merchandising. As the duo decides to take in the monumental sight of the busy market area, a conversation evolves.

  Albino [low tone]

  Will you be able to attend the orientation, nwa?


  I don’t think so, LIHANDA! I still need to get money to help me at school, unless when you’ll be my loan-MASTER!

  LIHANDA [amused]

  I wouldn’t buy that idea, BOYO! Just say you never wanted to go to the Johnson People’s College, yet it is within the central town. You wanted to remain here and be famous, nwa.

  BOYO [defensive]

  It is not that I want to be here and be known. And going to Johnson People’s College isn’t an issue at all.

  LIHANDA [admiring]

  Then what could be the issue?


  Life in the central town is not easy at all without any support, especially in terms of money! Besides, we need to show we’re well off and not let anyone think we’re too poor to be sponsored or that we don’t have anyone by our side.


  I get it, nwa! But with you and me by one another’s side, I’m sure we’ll make it through all the challenges we may face in the central town of Lantana and at school. And once we’re th
ere, no turning back!

  BOYO [smiling]

  You just sound like your old granny who has an answer to everything being a challenge, nwa!

  [Both share laughter]

  Nearby, at the lottery game spot, like something so unexpected that it becomes sizzling, a brawl suddenly erupts and instantly causes panic to strike among the people and tension as well to those within vintage, and it creates a business halt. From within the arriving scuffle, the teen in charge of the lottery is seen freeing the space immediately like a skilled villain escaping from terror of a bondage house while holding his tools of trade and positions himself next at a seemingly safe point, to the STREET HAWKER and CART-BOY who are already perplexed as well at what has just occurred and still unfolding as the gamblers are exchanging words bitterly at one another and almost breaking into an arms wrestling competition while the teen in charge of the lottery watches to see what is next. At once, the men who have been part of the lottery begin asking while looking all around, “Where is that yaya?” and on hearing this question, the teen being looked for decides to turn and face his fellow teens serious on their business, almost pretending to be a buyer and

  STREET HAWKER [to his counterpart; acting funny]

  Are you willing to bet with success?

  CART-BOY [laughing]

  I can’t risk being searched for by angry people!

  [Then the TEEN hears both with quite extensive ears and sight and]


  Then you won’t get wherever you want to!

  One of the men who have been in the gathering of the scuffle notices and this creates doom to the boys next to the hunted teen-MASTER of the lottery.

  MAN from the crowd

  He is there!

  TEEN [to himself]

  If you can’t walk Liana, then run for your life!

  And at once, Liana forces himself through the space between the two stranger teens who have been joking about his bet-tag line, and he is lost in the multitude of people and goods as he receives a bounty chase after him.


  Nani wuyo!

  [The search is now on as]


  We’d go after them and see what happens next!